Picture courtesy of Unsplash I received the Liebster Award from Ariadna of The Always Believer about a month ago, and just haven't had time to write this post until now! I finally decided to go ahead and do it. Thanks so much, Ariadna! (If you haven't already, please check out her wonderful blog, which happens to be a source of abundant inspiration!) The Liebster Award is passed on from blogger to blogger, and is intended to recognise who are working hard and doing a great job with their blog. While I've seen different variations of rules for this award online, I'll be following the ones that say that when you're nominated, you answer the questions presented to you by the blogger who nominated you, then nominate a few others and set some questions for them to answer! Here are Ariadna's questions, with my answers! 1) What is one of your favorite quotes? Goodness, I have so many! I try share them on my Facebook page every week or so. However, for now, let's ...