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24 of Our Favourite Things about Amber: Happy Birthday!

In honour of a special friend's 24th birthday, we came up with a list of 24 things we love about her. I bombarded her Facebook wall with each individual list item in reverse order so she could read them. Suffice to say, this lovely lady will wake up to LOTS of notifications! 

Happy Birthday Amber!! 

1) I love that Amber tries to enjoy snowy days because she knows I love them, but she just can't quite cope with the cold. For you, Amber, I'll try to enjoy these 60 degree days in February.

2) She looks change in the face and says "Make me better." 

3) I love Amber because she is really strong and takes every sour lime life throws at her and makes a bomb margarita. 

4) We love Amber because she gives genuine, honest advice to problems, without judgement.

5) Amber's passion for things like food and shoes turns into such a playful giddy excitement that is always so fun to encounter.

6) I love that Amber is crazy enough to listen when I say stuff like �Amber! Let�s go to High Point in our PJs!� Not only that, but she actually follows through! Definitely one of my favourite memories with you. 

7) Amber is the only person I know who could go from a long shift at work on a Friday night, come back to the dorm covered in grease and exhausted, and in 15 minutes turn into the most gorgeous, cheerful party girl simply - because we begged her not to go to sleep. It may be a round-about way to get to the point, and a weird example, but Amber I love your dedication and determination to be happy and fun!

8) She embraces everyone else's weirdness, and shares her own.

9) I love Amber because she�s always there when you need her and sometimes she is there with cheesecake. 

10) She makes for a great drinking buddy, whether it's a bottle of wine or a case of beer.

11) She always knows how to tell it how it is, but also knows how to make me feel better when I'm in a slump...and that's awesome.

12) One of my favourite things about Amber is that she knows when you need a listening ear and a good hug, and even if she can�t necessarily do anything about it, she�ll try her very best! Also, she gives really good advice. 

13) Amber is the best road trip partner of all time. Who else would laugh off getting lost in Livingston, Alabama, nearly running out of gas, driving around in circles on backroads, and make a feast out of chips and candy at a gas station? A true champion.

14) She reminds me to smile and look for new adventures.

15) I love Amber because she has a huge heart and never wants to give up on someone or let them out of her life. 

16) She's not afraid to cut loose and just be herself, which is great because the real her is awesome!

17) When she cooks anything or talks about food! (...can you tell I'm hungry?)

18) Only Amber would decide to take advantage of a really awful, dreary, rainy day (that not even Caro and I were enjoying), and turn it into one of the most epic laugh fests we�ve had together! I�ll always remember the night that the Speckled Amberilus was born. 

19) My most favorite thing about Amber may be those moments when she grabs your shoulder and says the fateful words, "We got this." She only speaks these words when all hope is lost, you've messed up big time, there's NO fixing whatever is spiraling out of control. But since Amber is there, you know that at least you're in it together, and honestly, it's probably going to turn into a great story.... someday.

20) She knows when to hold you close and when to smack you upside the head.

21) I love Amber because she�s always the life of the party. She�s going to be the one that keeps us all young. 

22) Annnnd. She's not afraid to take it off! (Ow!)

23) How spontaneous she can be when time allows it. I love that she is willing to do the insane to see her friends and is always there for us

24) I love that Amber is willing to go the extra mile to do special things for her friends! She knows how much I love special occasions like Valentine�s Day and birthdays, and she ALWAYS made sure to do something special and unique for me! 


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