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7 Ways that Dating is Like Job Searching

Sure, this might be weird comparison to make, but if you really think about it, you'll see that the steps in dating and the steps in job hunting are pretty similar!

Looking out for potential jobs: Most of the time, you're not going to hear about one potential job, apply for it, get it, and have it turn out to be perfect. (However, you may be lucky enough to experience exactly that!) The same goes for dating; right at the beginning, you're meeting various people, and you may not even know that you're looking for anyone just then!

Updating your resume/CV: Now that you know you're looking for someone, you're probably going to do some introspection; after all, how would you expect to meet someone who would work well with you unless YOU know yourself pretty well? Of course, the updating of the resume and CV also comes into play when you're trying to make a good first impression on your potential employer (significant other).

Applying: Maybe you've noticed some employers you'd love to work for; now, you need to get them to notice you! In terms of dating, this comes into play when getting to know potential dates a little better.

First interviews: First dates are quite important, much like first interviews. Here's where you get to gauge whether or not your date genuinely likes you (and vice versa), get to learn more about each other (how do they treat the server, and other such important things), and be honest about who you really are. Much like in a job interview, presenting a person to your date that isn't who you really are can end up with you finding a significant other who doesn't suit you at all. This is also the stage you get to be a little picky; you wouldn't necessarily accept the first job offer that came your way, would you?

Follow up interviews: By this point, you've probably met many different people and been on some first (and even second) dates. You've narrowed down your list, and so have they. You're using the time you're spending with potential significant others to learn even more about them, and see whether the two of you would be a good fit.

The job offer: Out of all the people you met and interacted with, a special someone definitely stuck out. They liked you, you liked them, and you both got to heave a sigh of relief! Someone makes the first move, and voila; you're exclusive!

Signing the contract: If the probationary period went well, then the both of you are ready for a longer-term commitment!

Can you think of any other ways that aspects of dating and job searching are similar? Comment below!


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