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Showing posts from September, 2015

10 Books You Should Read in Your Early Twenties

Your twenties are time for exploration and growth , and for most of us, a time that we use to 'set the stage' for the rest of our lives. I firmly believe that reading is very important for this process, and should be encouraged when children are young to instill a habit that will benefit them greatly. I've always believed that if you don't read, you can't grow, and I know many others do, too. Because of this, I made a list of books that are (almost) vital reading for those of us who're looking to learn and grow and find out more about themselves. Of course, they can be read and enjoyed by people of most ages, but I think many of them have greater impact when read while in transitionary phases, like the early twenties are for most people. Disclaimer: I haven't read some of the books on the list, but they come highly recommended, and I plan to get my hands on them soon! So go ahead, grab one of these, make yourself a cup of tea (or grab a glass of wine), settl...

Dropping Inhibitions

Picture courtesy of What is an inhibition? To prevent you the trouble of googling a definition, I'll show you the ones I got: "a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way" and "a voluntary or involuntary restraint on direct expression of an instinct". If you really think about it, these two definitions make perfect sense (thanks Google), and you really start to wonder how many times you have been held back by inhibitions. I'll give an example that many of us might have encountered at some point or another. A crowded room, music playing cheerily in the background, people laughing and weaving in an out of crowds. Suddenly you see a face you think you recognise, but can't seem to place. What you really want to do it go say hi- but something holds you back. We encounter inhibitions in more situations than just weekend parties. How many times have we been held back because of fear of failure, or reje...

Let Your Fear Take You Higher

I think it's a very small portion of the population who can claim that they're not afraid. For people like me, who're in a transitional phase of their life, fear can be something that we learn to deal with on an everyday basis. I had addressed the issue of fear in a shorter blog post  last year, but definitely felt like it was time to talk about it again. Where does fear come from? I think that if we dig deep enough, this fear comes from being lost, from being disconnected with our purpose(s) , from uncertainty. As I've mentioned many times before, so many of us get stuck in 'the rat race'. We end up doing things that we think we're supposed to be doing, while really being afraid to dig deep and explore our dreams and fears, and this ends up leading to unhappiness and a sense of not being fulfilled. Why is it that so many of us are afraid to dream ? And if we do dream , why are we afraid to follow through? Why is it that dreamers, those who have courage to ...